Why would I buy a share?

The main purpose of Brixton Green Limited issuing shares is to ensure that those interested in becoming involved have a legal right to vote at meetings. Everyone, including the Trustees you elect, has one, equal, vote. Everyone has the right to be heard. Using a Community Benefit Society and issuing shares is a good way to achieve this.

How does the share issue work?

This is not an investment for profit. You will not make money on this share. If you are local, buying a share makes you a member of Brixton Green Limited.

The cost of handling your money means that, if you choose to cancel your membership, you will forfeit your £1 investment - it will not be returned.

The value of shares in Brixton Green Limited cannot increase beyond £1 and may be reduced if liabilities exceed assets. Your share cannot be sold and owned by anyone else.
Brixton Green Limited will be run for the benefit of the local community. It can only use its funds and assets for this purpose. Members of Brixton Green Limited will not be able to make money from it.

Am I local?

You need to live or work in one of the five central Brixton wards: Tulse Hill, Ferndale, Coldharbour, Brixton Hill and Herne Hill.

How to invest

The only investment sum Brixton Green Limited will accept is currently £1. This buys one share in Brixton Green Limited which was registered with the Financial Services Authority as a Community Benefit Societyi on 8th September 2009, Reg. No. 30774R.

We used governing documents supplied by Wessex Community Assets (WCA), specialists in community investments, who have advised us in the preparation and launch of this share issue.

What will I have bought a share in?

Our governing document, the Rules (PDF), explains member/shareholder’s rights as well as details about the nature of the shares and the management and constitution of the Society.

Please read this

Our share offer is exempt from the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 or subsidiary regulations; this means you have no right of complaint to an ombudsman.
If you are not clear about this membership offer, please ask for advice.

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