Brixton Green & Lambeth Council share the ideas so far

Posted By on May 3, 2013 |

During the past few months there has been a lot of work including a series of 12 deliberative workshops, workshop with the sustainability forum, workshops with key stakeholders, door to door discussions with residents and businesses and additional pop up workshops.

The full report will be available shortly. The following set of principles emerged from the deliberative workshops:

  1. Use the Somerleyton Road development as catalyst for a different approach to regenerating Brixton …that works in the best interests of everyone living in the town, especially those living in close proximity to the site.
  2. Maximize the number of new genuinely affordable homes …including looking at options like self-build to bring down costs.
  3. Create good quality, long-term jobs and training and support local businesses…for Brixton people of all ages.
  4. Ensure long-term resident control…with on-going involvement in shaping the development from now on.
  5. Make sure the new development is inclusive… both of its neighbouring communities, and bringing people together across divides of age, social background, income, faith, and ethnicity.
  6. Make Somerleyton Road green, safe and stress free… so it can underpin the development of a resilient and sustainable community.
  7. Make best use of what’s already here… building on existing strengths, assets, culture, heritage and character of the area.
  8. Only work with commercial interests that complement the community’s ambitions… keeping the value and benefits of what flows from the site local.

Click the image below to see a summary of the community ambitions so far:

Click the image below to see a summary of the governance proposals:

Click here to see further details on affordable rents.

Click the image below to see more information on the feedback event:


The timeline